Course Measurement

  • GPS measurement survey allows data to be recorded along a horizontal plane to the centre of the green (as required by CONGU) and also referred to at a later date if a hole need remeasured due to a new tee/green.
  • This specification of GPS equipment (with accuracy levels of 0.3-0.4m) is “appropriate measuring equipment” as referred to in CONGU regulations.
  • Measurement options are; Back of Tee or Permanent Fixed Distance Point. Official CONGU certificate then provided along with a full set of detailed tee diagrams.
  • Experience surveyors establish the correct axis point on each hole (par 4s and 5s only) in relation to the hole design.
  • We have provided the R&A with the official course measurement figures for the last 33 Open Championship venues.
  • The exact same process of course measurement is applied to any golf course whether it is an Open venue or a 5-star golf resort in the Caribbean.

Golf Course Survey

  • A full GPS survey requires every course feature to be recorded (e.g. tees, bunkers, fairways, greens, lakes, tree screen, etc.)
  • This information can be complemented with the addition of top/bottom of slope lines, mounds, hollows, drains, etc.
  • Once recorded all course data remains saved as a permanent reference.
  • The bespoke measurement tool within the software allows accurate distance information (yards or metres) to be established from tee and to green front/middle.
  • This measurement tool also allows the calculation of other important data relating to individual features – i.e. area and perimeter.
  • The software has the facility to link with a live version of Google Maps, which allows the survey data to be overlaid on the Google aerial photograph.
  • Once the on-site work is complete, the data is then exported to the graphics studio in a perfectly scaled format, which greatly assists with the creation of the hole-by-hole graphics.
  • All courses have alterations and any course change can easily be surveyed and  worked into the original data, resulting in the most up-to-date course library possible.

Green Detail Survey

  • In-depth GPS survey of all green shape, surfaces and surrounds.
  • Experience surveyor establishes green contours with ball rolling and sketches.
  • Green shape, slopes, mounds, hollows, etc. then recorded by GPS.
  • Data exported to studio, measurements established and slope lines/arrows added to the GPS reference points.

Horizon Photography

  • Golfer’s eye view from the tee.
  • Photo annotated with reference lines and distances to important hole features.
  • All distance figures link with the corresponding GPS generated hole-by-hole graphic.
  • Perfect tool for visiting golfers of all standards.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

  • UAV provides high resolution, orthorectified photography of the course.
  • The data captured during the flight can also be used to create a complete digital terrain model of the course.
  • This information can then be used in the creation of 3D graphics, course FLYThru’s, etc.