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The Pro Shop at the Carrick offers premium brands and is the only place to shop for all your golfing amenities. Staff are on hand to provide excellent professional advice with a blend of comprehensive product knowledge and a friendly approach.
We carry an extensive range of gents and ladies apparel, as well as stocking the latest cutting edge hardware.
In addition to this, we also have an extensive range of top quality rental clubs.
We offer a wide range of tuition at The Carrick Golf Academy, ranging from individual lessons to groups lessons.
Take advantage of the latest technology by having your lesson videoed by one of our qualified PGA Golf Professionals, which can then be sent to you via email in an EBook format. On top of that we can use Flightscope technology to feedback all your relevant numbers i.e. distance, carry, spin rate, swing path and much more.
Visit the golf shop to find out more or call 01389 713655.

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